This was a project that I completed in my first-year studies at AIE to show my understanding and knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. The project is written in C++ and includes many code examples other than AI, for example, LinkedLists and Associative Arrays.
This project was developed over a few weeks as a part of my studies at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment (AIE). The main purpose of the assignment was to show my understanding and knowledge of Artificial Intelligence through the development of various AI agents. The project was written in C++ and included many code examples other than AI, for example, LinkedLists and Associative Arrays.
The main purpose and goal of this assignment was to implement Artificial Intelligence techniques within a graphical real-time application that could simulate multiple AI-controlled entities. These would demonstrate decision making, steering behaviours and pathfinding techniques, to name a few.
While being an Artifical Intelligence assignment, I also wanted to make a collection project, showing some of my past assignments and work I had achieved thus far in my studies. I was going to require a lot of other scripts for the Artifical Intelligence assignment anyway, so I thought a combination might be a good idea. I would also like to show all of these other elements visually, so this is something not completed, but still planned for the future.
I didn' know too much about Artificial Intelligence as a topic before I started this assignment, other than it being software techniques to simulate intelligence. So as a result, for example, I learnt a lot about things I didn't realise were AI-related, like Navmeshes and flocking.
During the development of this assignment, I also learnt a lot about different steering behaviours, as well as pathfinding algorithms. I never realised how interesting this topic was, and so for the first time in a while, my spare time was invested heavily. I would love to experiment with AI again someday, It was personally a challenging assignment for me, but for some reason, I still expected it to be way more complicated. I found myself really enjoying this subject.
This was a project that I completed in my first-year studies at AIE to show my understanding and knowledge of Artificial Intelligence. The project is written in C++ and includes many code examples other than AI, for example, LinkedLists and Associative Arrays.