ImpostorBot was a Discord bot developed using Node.Js and written in JavaScript. It was originally created for the VeryPoliteGamer community and is a Discord bot designed to help Twitch streamers easily invite their viewers to play Among Us without sharing the invite code publicly. No need for private messaging or other long manual solutions.

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During the COVID19 lockdown and the unexpected trend of Among Us, I began developing a simple Discord Bot for experimentation in Node.JS and bot development. The bot found its direction as a solution for inviting twitch viewers to play with their favorite streamers in the popular online game Among Us, thus getting the name Impostor Bot.


The main goal of this project, first and foremost, was to create my first discord bot, with purpose coming after the fact, so I started by making a basic Hello World script and deploying it to Discord. After this, I began brainstorming ideas through the research of DiscordJS documentation and other bots created by the community.

After playing a few games of Among Us one night and discussing potential solutions for inviting people in the Discord without leaking the code, I had the genius idea of using members of a voice chat and sending private messages to all of them on a bot command. So I challenged myself to my fellow moderators in the VeryPoliteGamer community Discord and got the entirety of the bot idea done in a single night.


  • Successfully learnt and created my first Discord bot.
  • I set myself a challenge and completed it well under what I could have predicted.
  • I learnt a new API/language.
  • Began development and finished a personal project for the first time since starting work and finishing university.


I learnt I need to be confident, confident I can achieve things in record time if I put my mind to it and focus. This project is an amazing example of what I'm capable of when I get stuck into a new project. While the project is fairly simple and short to complete, I need to take the emotion and the drive I had during its development and apply it to all future projects.

Another lesson I learnt is the importance of Hello World programs and starting simple. I get impatient when it comes to new projects and new engines/platforms, and soon find myself lost. That's why Hello World or other simple programs, are the perfect starting point to get a grasp before diving headfirst. Without starting simple to learn about DiscordJS and creating bots, I'm doubtful this project would be complete right now.

DEVELOPED: 09/2020

ImpostorBot was a Discord bot developed using Node.Js and written in JavaScript. It was originally created for the VeryPoliteGamer community and is a Discord bot designed to help Twitch streamers easily invite their viewers to play Among Us without sharing the invite code publicly. No need for private messaging or other long manual solutions.


